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MicroMachineJS - a minimal state machine for JavaScript

January 6, 2014

I've published a simple JavaScript library the other day. Its goal is to help dealing with states and it provides a simple API for managing a minimalistic implementation of a state machine.

It's really miniature - it has only 50 lines of code. Its source code should be easy to read, even to a beginner. I've used Jasmine and Grunt to TDD it from scratch, so hopefully - the tests should also be really expressive.

It has no dependencies and supports everything a state machine should have, nothing more.


Give it a go by installing its node package:

npm install micro-machine

or use it in the browser with:

<script src="//rawgithub.com/shime/micro-machine-js/master/dist/micro-machine.min.js"></script>


Here's a walkthrough of its features.

// create a new instance and set its initial state to "pending"
var machine = new MicroMachine("pending");
console.log(machine.state); // outputs 'pending'

// define transitions
machine.transitionsFor.confirm = {pending: 'confirmed'};
machine.transitionsFor.ignore = {pending: 'ignored'};
machine.transitionsFor.reset = {confirmed: 'pending', ignored: 'pending'};

console.log(machine.state); // outputs 'confirmed'

// define callbacks
machine.on('reset', function(){

machine.trigger('reset'); // resets state and outputs 'resetting...'

// define special callback that will be called after any transition
machine.on('any', function(machine){
  console.log("transitioned to '" + machine.state + "'");

machine.trigger('ignore'); // outputs "transitioned to 'ignored'"

Composition capabilities

Adding MicroMachine to your objects is piece of cake - just use composition!

var User = function User(){
  var machine = new MicroMachine("pending");

  machine.transitionsFor.confirm = {pending: 'confirmed'};
  machine.transitionsFor.reset = {confirmed: 'pending'};

  self = this;
  machine.on("any", function(machine){
    self.state = machine.state;

  this.confirm = function(){

  this.state = undefined;

  return this;

var user = new User();


console.log(user.state); // outputs 'confirmed'

That's all there is to it. Go give it a spin!

Want to talk more about this or any other topic? Email me. I welcome every email.